Blue Sun of Hope Necklace Set, Other Blue Creations and Something New (Black and White)

I am so proud of this one! I have tried something totally new with the fringe….and I just love the way it turned out!!  What do YOU think?  Would YOU wear it?

And of course I have to show you a couple of other blue creations….since blue is the color of the day!

What always happens if I finish one creation?  Well, I get to start something new!!  And what am I going to start?  Well, it is another button bracelet…but this one is had buttons from ….. you’ll have to watch to see!! Remember that you can check out my Facebook Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page throughout the day to watch updates and working photos.

So, now what?  Well, I am off to beading, but I want to leave you with this thought;

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.  ~John Muir

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2 Responses

  1. Keri LaPensee

    Love that style of fringe it came out beautifully and the color is fantastic!!

    • Krafty Max

      THank you!!!! It is so fun – after beading so long – to try something new!! ~KM