Fabulous Friday

Today might be Friday, but Sunday is the BIG day!  It is Mothers Day!!!  I want to do a tribute to my mother.  If you have been watching me for any time, you will see that I love to have fun and make people smile.  Once you look through these photos of my mom you’ll see where I get that from!  Being an only child I have always been very close to my mom and dad, but it is my mom who has helped me through life! 
Happy Mother’s Day Mom!
*** This is my VERY favorite photo of my mom ***
And to any and all of you who are mothers
Don’t forget the
I Love My Mommy is being co-hosted by Makobi ScribeI am a reader, not a writer, and Bree’s: What Matter’s Most!, and Simply Stacie

From May 5 to May 10, 2011 Hop from blog to blog and enter to win prizes valued to be $50.00 or greater!  Every prize is geared for the Mom! Just click on the icon and you’ll get to the link!
I love you MOM!  ~KM
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  1. Doris Sturm

    Thank you, Marci, and happy Mother’s Day to you too. Your mom looks like a happy person!