Purple Rose (working), Pink and Blue Front Clasp Set and 11th BeadALong

It’s FRIDAY!  Now both kids are out of school and life is still moving along at a fast pace!! It is strange, but we are always ‘looking ahead’ to the next thing! It is finally summer break and I am already planning on what will happen when school back!! But I guess that is just me…and my personality!! I have been working on the beautiful purple rose from Wildlife Plastics and it has been so much fun!  Every time I look at I seem to find more and more personality to it!! This will be one of those that will be hard to sell (and did I mention how many times my daughter has said SHE wants it)?!?!  I have finished both sides now and will start today on the strap!! Remember that you can check out my Facebook Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page throughout the day to watch updates and working photos.

A new listing today…and it is a great one!  This one can be warn is so many ways!! The clasp can be moved around to match your look or attitude!! 🙂

I ordered a extra TWO sets of beads for the 11th BeadALong, so if you still want to join in, grab it now!! 🙂

And I think that is it for now….I’m off to get the dishes done and everyone settled so I can get to the bead tray!  But I’ll leave you with this thought;

Nature paints a colorful Masterpiece to savor and enjoy! ~KM

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