What’s NEW Wednesday 4/15/15

3Wednesday - NEW

Is it really only Wednesday?  REALLY?  This week things have gone so fast, and so slow!!  If you are reading this then you know that I have revealed my site!!  YEP, the happy dance is slowing down, if for no other reason because I am just about worn out! 🙂  But, there is more…there really is!! The give-a-way will be announced tomorrow, yesterday I did a new featured artist….OH MY!!!

1 new creation

Although this isn’t brand new, I just love this scene!!  I think I might have to find my umbrella and chair and go to the beach one day in the next week!! Just to sit and watch the waves….oh ya!!


1 working

Have been watching?  Remember, you can come over  to my Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page  were I post ‘working’ photos throughout the day.

Fire and Ice P1 - 98

1 beads4

Today I would like to leave you with thought;

Love one another and you will be HAPPY.  It is as simple and as difficult as that! ~Michael Leunio

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