New Listing, Progress on Vintage Cab, & Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

GOOD Morning!! I can’t believe it is already Thursday!! Today’s post will be a short and sweet one 🙂 I have a New listing to show you as well as the progress on the Vintage Cab that I started the … Read More

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Inspirational Wednesday, Black & White Dragon, New Creation, & Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

GOOD Morning and Hello Wednesday!! I hope you all are ready, today is WEdnesDAY!! It is time to share and post your creations on my fan pages!! Let’s go, show off YOUR creations today to inspire us all!! Today I … Read More

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A New Listing, Black & White Dragon, & March’s Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

Hello and GOOD Morning!! What a weekend! I am so excited to get back to the bead tray today!! I hope that today I can finish my Black & White Dragon with center from Wildlife Plastics and then…start something new!! … Read More

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It’s Friday, Wildlife Plastic Dragon Center, & New Listing!!

GOOD Morning and HAPPY Friday!! Life is good and the beads are beautiful!! What are YOU all creating today? I’d love to have another day that you show off your creations on my fan pages…how about today!?!? Go ahead and … Read More

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Happy Valentine’s Day, New Listing, & New Creation!!

Hello & GOOD Morning!! Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!! I am back at the bead tray this morning…finally!! I am back working on the new center that I started yesterday by Wildlife Plastics-a Black & White Dragon! Today’s blog I … Read More

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Inspirational Wednesday, Green Creation, New Listing, & Sneak peak at March’s Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

GOOD Morning & Welcome to Inspirational Wednesday!! Today is the day where you all get to INSPIRE me by showing of the creations that you all are working on!! Just come by my fan pages and post a picture of … Read More

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Green Creation & New Listing!!

GOOD Morning!! Today I must start off my day by getting my ‘chores’ done quickly, so that I may get back to my bead tray!! I am very excited!! I will be putting together my Beautiful Green Creation today!! I … Read More

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Happy Monday, Green Creation, A New Listing & Wrapping up Feb’s Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

Hello and GOOD Morning to everyone!!- And a Happy Monday I hope for all 🙂 It is for me- I am back at the bead tray this morning!! I am so excited about finishing my green creation…then I also have … Read More

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It’s Friday-Last Day of Sale, Green Creation, New Listing & Feb’s Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

Hello and GOOD Morning!! I can’t believe it is Friday already!! I know that I am ready for the weekend…. but I get to bead all day first! 😉 Are YOU ready to get the day started?? I know I … Read More

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Valentine’s Sale, Green Creation, New Listing & Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

GOOD Morning to you all!! Welcome to Thursday and THANK YOU ALL for making my Wednesday such an INSPIRING day!! I saw that yesterday many of you stopped by my fan pages and showed me all of the beautiful creations … Read More

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