It’s Friday-Last Day of Sale, Green Creation, New Listing & Feb’s Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

Hello and GOOD Morning!! I can’t believe it is Friday already!! I know that I am ready for the weekend…. but I get to bead all day first! 😉 Are YOU ready to get the day started?? I know I … Read More

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Valentine’s Sale, Green Creation, New Listing & Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

GOOD Morning to you all!! Welcome to Thursday and THANK YOU ALL for making my Wednesday such an INSPIRING day!! I saw that yesterday many of you stopped by my fan pages and showed me all of the beautiful creations … Read More

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Inspiration Wednesday, Green Creation, New Listing, Few more days for Sale & Feb’s Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

Hello everyone & GOOD Morning!! Welcome to INSPIRATION Wednesday!! Today I hope you all will stop by on my pages and show ME what YOU all are working on!! This will inspire me and let you show off your creations … Read More

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A New Listing, Beginning New Creation, Valentine’s Sale & Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

GOOD Morning to you all!! It’s Tuesday and another new day to begin something new 🙂 Yesterday I finished one creation and was able to start another, so today I will be showing you the finished creation as my New … Read More

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It’s Monday, Finishing with Turtle, A New Listing, Sale & Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

GOOD Morning and welcome to MONDAY!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I know that I did!! 😉 But, like most Mondays, I am ready to start the week and get back to the beads!! Today, I will get … Read More

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It’s February, Almost done with Turtle, Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month & Valentine’s Day!!

GOOD Morning-It’s here already!!-Friday & the first day of a new month-February!! The ‘uninspired’ feeling I had at the beginning of the week has completely gone away! I am now Inspired and ready to take on just about anything that … Read More

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Progress on Turtle from Wildlife Plastics, New Listing, Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month & Valentine’s Day!!

Hello & GOOD Morning everyone!! How is everyone doing today? Today we are off to a great start and I will be showing you where I left off and will be starting on my Turtle, a New listing from Grandmother’s … Read More

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Turtle from Wildlife Plastics, New Listing, Peyote Bracelet kit of the Month & Sale!!

Good Morning!! Welcome to Wednesday!! Are you ready to start the day off? I know I am!! I was able to finish the Bracelet yesterday-which meant I was able to start a new creation! I have been working on my … Read More

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A New Day, A New Listing, Almost done with Bracelet, Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month and Sale!!

Good MORNING and WELCOME to a NEW day!! Yep!- Today I am back to my CREATIVE & INSPIRED MOOD! Yesterday there were many great thoughts sent to me by all of you, THANK YOU!! I was also able to try … Read More

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It’s Monday-Sale going on, New Listing, working on Feb’s Peyote kit & Peyote Bracelet Kit of the Month!!

Good Morning Monday!! Usually I am always full of Inspiration, but Today I seem to be a little low on it. Life is good and the beads will still ‘flow’ , but this morning I just don’t ‘feel’ it! I … Read More

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