Lady Nilam, My Kids Artwork and Ziggles

There is a new listing for today… I am so excited about this one….I really REALLY like the way it turned out!! This is yet another one that if it doesn’t sell very quickly I just might have to claim it…it will match ANY of my outfits!! 🙂

The Lady Nilam Blue Agate Slice Necklace Set

As promised yesterday I will show you some artwork that my kids did over the weekend.  I am so proud of them…aren’t these beautiful?!?!?

ashley painting

seans painting

But if I am showing off my son I just have to show off his love of these dogs!  The one on the right (the Rat Terrier) is ours, Ziggy,  and the one on the right is my friends dog, Wiggles.  We are ‘renaming’ them as Ziggles!! H ha ha ha!! Just look at those ears!!

monster with wiggles and ziggy

Are you the winner?? Just look to see who won the $25 certificate!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have I mentioned the amazing makeup that we are now selling?  (I know I have a few times).  My daughter is just amazing and feels beautiful wearing all of it, but just the mascara makes her feel ‘dressed up’ in her words!!  Please, check it out and let me know if you want to host an on-line party!!

Younique 8

Do you have a few moments to spare? Can you check out this video, the rewards and support me with any size donation?

I think that is enough for today!!!  🙂  But I want to leave you with this thought;

Make life WONDERFUL….INSPIRE yourself by ENCOURAGING others to INSPIRE themselves!! ~KM

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