Marvelous Monday 10/8/12

I had a great weekend, but lots to show off today, so I am going to be jumping right into it!!  First, here is my newest listing for today;

Neon, Bright and Proud Swarovski Crystal and Pearl Beadwoven Bracelet

I also was able to finish my pumpkin candle holder, so that will be today’s newest listing (I have to take photos first).  But, here is what the ‘flat’ finished beadwork looked like.
Then, I put these beads out on my tray, although I wasn’t able to do much more than that with them.  Today I will also be off running errands, so I don’t think I will be able to do much, but here is the ‘frist look’…. do you see the dragonfly????
And just look at this collection I was included in…. thank you so much!!
And now, for my featured artist; D3KCraftsLLC.  I am just totally in awe of quilling.  I just love how intricate it is.  Can you just see someone’s face when they are not feeling well and you send them this amazing card???  This great artist, like many of us, is/was doing the art/craft show circuit and is now able to share these great creations with us via ArtFire.  Please go check out all the amazing creations in this studio and remember to support handmade artists!!
Quilled Get Well Soon Note Card with Butterflies
And to leave you with this closing thought;
Hold tight to your child’s hand, it will not be long before they do not want you to any longer!
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2 Responses

  1. Kayla @ TheEclecticElement

    A candle holder, huh? Didn’t see that one coming, but I’m very curious to see how it turns out and how it looks on the candle 🙂

    Looks like you’ve been very busy with your beading! I’m so envious that you’re so driven to bead and you get all the projects finished-I have a hard time sitting down and cranking out a project every couple of days o.O

    • Krafty Max

      I have to say, Ms. Kayla, that for me the beads are what keeps me sane!! If I wasn’t able to bead I think I would go crazy!!!

      Thank you very much for your wonderful comments!!!