Weekend Re-Post 6/15/13

Originally posted on Thursday, August 11, 2011
Tantrum Thursday 
Yes, I am throwing a Tantrum today about myself!!  I have been so busy lately that my life seems to have taken over my beading (how dare it)!!  I just HAVE to bead everyday, and NO, it is not just because I am obsessed (but I am)!!!  At any given moment I usually have 2-3 custom orders or ‘special’ orders (personal gifts from me to someone) being worked on!  Then I am also trying to add at least one item to my studio each day!
Because of all of this I have been VERY lax in putting things away!  These are photos of my working desk in my ‘bead room’ – it is really the front part of my bedroom.  My desk isn’t usually this bad, I have been making piles on it when I don’t have time to put something away.  For me, THIS IS BAD!!  I have a tendency to pile, and pile and pile…..I think I am a MINI hoarder!  Oh my gosh, that was hard to say!
These photos are of my bead tray in the living room.  The bottom is on a WALKER frame, so it rolls!  The tray was custom made for me – by my dad – for my beading.  I usually keep this try MUCH neater than it is, but that is because I clean up in between creations and then PILE the leftovers on my BIG DESK (above).
For me there are two REALLY exciting parts to making jewelry.  The first is when about 10 rows is done and I can visualize what it will look like finished and that moment when I put it down and say – IT IS DONE!  Many of my creations take daySSSS to make, so when I get done I am anxious to start a new one! 
I know this is not just ME, I know that MANY crafters and artist are like this…… but it IS ME!  Today, my TANTRUM is about ME and FOR ME and that also makes me mad!  OK, so what am I going to do?  CLEAN UP!
For all of my fan’s and followers, please HOLD ME TO IT!!! 
It is done!!  Here is today’s listing!! My finished OWL BAG!!!
And here is a slide show to show you the whole process in one spot!  If you are viewing this post in a READER you may NOT be able to see the slide show!!
Today I have to feature this great ArtFire studio, essensu holistic skincare.  Ms. Tami has some amazing items and not only do they get you ‘CLEAN’, they also are able to nurture our skin, which in turn nurtures our body with their products.  Although this one is for your pet, their line will cover all of those in your home!  All her items are packaged and labeled with simple and clear labels.  Please go check out one of her sites (there are more listed below the photo) and remember to let her know where you found out about her.
Once more there will be no HOPS today.  I have so many things to get ready for school and to catch up on that I do not have the time to WORK them.  I will though, I’ll  be BACK at it soon!
As I am getting my daughter ready for her first (orientation) day of Middle school I am reminded of how quickly time has gone!  For today, please send your love to someone that has GOWN UP without you even realizing it!!  ~KM
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2 Responses

  1. Mischelle

    Oh My Goodness… I love love love the owl bag.. too cool.