What an HONOR, Still Going on the FLOWERS, More items Moved to the #SALE Section and (win a necklace set) #Mother’s #Day GiveAWay!

Just look at this happy ‘mamma’ with the portrait that I did for her from one of her daughters).  What an honor it was, he has passed away and I have a personal connection to his twin sister!!  When I started this project I didn’t realize the connection, but as things went along I found out…and again, it was an honor!!

Rebels Potriat with mom

I also worked a little more last night on my beautiful new project…here is where I start out today!  Remember, you can check out my Facebook Fan Page, Google+ Page, or my Instagram Page throughout the day to watch updates and working photos.

Eva Flower and Dragonflies wrk panel 1 row 258 12650

And I have moved over some more to the #SALES / #Clearance section of my studio – https://www.kraftymax.net/product-category/salesclearance-items/. 





I hope that you have entered, but if not, please do soon!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Today I leave you with this thought;

A good friend is a connection to life, a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world! ~Lois Wyse

P.S. If anyone know of someone (personally) that would be interested in making a Small Business/Personal short term Loan to me, please let me know!!  I have been researching all over, but I just don’t want to borrow enough, for enough time ($1600 for 6 months)….didn’t really think that would be an issue, but apparently it is!?!? Please email me if you know of anyone!  ~KM max@kraftymax.com

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