Taken Thursday

So, as many of you that follow me every day have noticed, I have changed my weekday themes.  For Thursday I have chosen to go with TAKEN Thursday.  This can be interpreted many different ways, so the artist and feature on Thursday’s may vary quite a bit. 

For my first feature I have discovered this wonderful artist, Uniquely Jen Quilt Creations.  Although Jen has not be quilting for very long between her quest for knowledge, teaching her craft and expertly practicing to make her BEAUTIFUL creations, I would say she has MASTERED it!  I am simply ‘in-love’ with many of her designs.  This one caught my eye right off, so it will be the one I feature today.  But, please, go check out her AMAZING shop and see what her ‘mystery’ classes are all about!  
Remember to ‘like’ her shop and each item so it shows up on your Personal Face Book Wall.  That was we ‘share’ the love of this shop with our friends, families and fans.

Enjoy your Taken Thursday and make sure you TAKE as much from life today as you can!  ~KM

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  1. Doris Sturm

    Oh, I like that shop on Artfire…I especially loved the three dimensional sunflower wall art.

    Thanks for sharing and have a great day 🙂