Terrific Tuesday

I have been showing off my Aye lately.  With her away at camp,Monster and I have been having lots of fun together too!  Here is how we spend our days……
……… working on his teeth!
P.S. Monster will proudly tell you that these are from Grandpa and they are just like his – his fake play teeth that is!
Here is today’s listing… I hope you like it!
Today I have found an artist that just has me in total awe.  The detail and beauty of Sandy J Brooks artwork is just amazing.  I looked through her studio and actually choose 3 different pieces of art, but ended up narrowing down to this one.  This lifetime artist is one of those artists like myself that has a fine line between passion and obsession.  Just look at her artwork and you’ll understand!  Don’t forget to tell her where you heard about her! 

And for hops, only one today…..come join in with me!?!  
For some of us it is the heat of the summer, 
for others it is winter. 
But for all of us it is LIFE!
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2 Responses

  1. Carens Jewelry Box

    Monster definitely needs to visit the dental bus this year with THOSE teeth! 😀

    You listing is beautiful, as always!

  2. beautifulswagstore


    great times! love it.