Terrific Tuesday

Today is a Terrific day.  I just have to show you some photos from the other day.  These little magnetic toys are the ‘big’ highlight of our Doc’s office.  Aye and Monster always make some WONDERFUL creations.  Here is just a couple!
Here is my new listing in my ArtFire Studio.  I just love the detail in the leaf!  What do you think??
Today’s featured studio is MelodysMiniArt.  As many of you know I collect ACEO’s.  I went looking today for some new artist and this is what I found!!  I thought I was busy, but with a horse, a husband, three cats, two kids, and a dog it is a wonder she even finds the time to do anything!  BUT, her art speaks for itself!  Please go check out her studio or other links and let her know where you heard about her.
Here are the hops for today!


Today I would like to close with a one last little thank you to all those who support me – you will never truly know how much you mean to me!  ~KM
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5 Responses

  1. Elizabeth

    I am now a follower, please follow back 🙂



  2. Melody Lea Lamb

    Thank you SO very much for including my shop in your featured artists post!! I am truly honored.
    Have a great-creative day.
    ~Melody Lea Lamb

  3. Life,Twins,DramaQueen

    Looks like I already following your blog, networkblogs and Twitter. So I am now following you on Facebook also. Have a GREAT DAY!

  4. Coupon Hound

    Thanks for stopping by. Following you via Blogger.

  5. twinswithtots

    love your site. you are wonderfully talented.
    found u thru friends connect and hope u will check us out too at http://www.twinswithtots.blogspot.com
    cathy and becca