Trusted Thursday

So, today is Trusted Thursday, hu?  Well, I am still waiting for my house to get worked on/fixed…every time they come out they make a bigger mess – again!  I have really gotten tired of cleaning it up!!!  I hope it get cleaned up and done soon….my 40th Birthday party is on the 19th and everyone is supposed to be coming here for a BBQ and to make sure and tell me 
HOW OLD I AM NOW!!!!  :~)    
Having a Birthday so close to Father’s Day means that every few years I get to celebrate on the same day as my Dad and Hubby. 

Aye’s last day of 4th grade is tomorrow and I am so very proud of her.  I went yesterday to her awards ceremony where she received a reading medal, a certificate for A/B Honor Roll all year and a certificate for A Conduct all year!  She has also been excepted into the Safety Patrol for next year (this is a BIG deal)!! 

My mother and father, have always been a strong influence in my life, and now they are teasing me for all it is worth!  After several ‘encrypted’ emails I finally found out that there is a package on the way from California (where I was born and raised) and that it is 29 pounds……that is about it!!  What a way to spend your time – trying to figure out what is in the box that is on it’s way with my birthday present in it!  Hubby says he is going to have our driver HOLD the package so that I can’t open it until my birthday….I think you guys are just being mean to me… 🙁  (ha ha ha ha).  I love teasing others, but I am not really that good at taking it!  

For today’s feature I would like to show you where I get all my wonderful Art talent…not just from ONE but from BOTH of my parents!!!  Here is what they do (The Gilmore Looms Company)…..

This is a video of my mom showing you how to use one of their smaller looms – Part 1 and Part 2 (You Tube videos)
They bought the company many years ago from the Gilmore family and my Mom and Dad still make every loom by hand.  The love, tears and sweat that goes into every loom makes the work they do even more personal.  Someday I would love to take over this great business and bead on the side, but for now I have to watch from 3000 miles away and love our visits even more!  

So here is to you both 
on this Trusted Thursday
enjoy your day!!!!  ~KM
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