Weekly Updates on WIP’s, K~Max Klub & A little Something Else😉!!

Good morning ☀️!! Welcome to another Friday!! I decided to take this past Monday off for Memorial Day and spend it with my family…what did you all do?!?! Tuesday morning I was right back at my bead tray ready to go and decided to start the week off with a fun and quick WIP that I finished in 2 days…then on Thursday I got to start another WIP, which is now the current one I am working on. I will be telling you all more about them soon😉. I also have updates and news from my K~Max Klub and then something a little different to tell you about😁. This week unfortunately I was unable to get any final pictures done for my new listing la but I will have them done this weekend and put them up for next week! Well…how bout we go ahead and get the ball rolling for today?!?!

Beginning of the WIP!!

Let’s begin with the WIP’s for this week. The first one, was started on Tuesday. I found some awesome cabs that were made with pressed flowers…it’s about the size of a quarter…so really small. I decided to go with various colors in blues, greens and pink beads to bezel this cab-bezeling using peyote stitch😃. The bezel of the cab went pretty quick front and back being how small it was and I was able to finish it that same day. So Wednesday I came back to my bead tray and started the herringbone rope. I used the main colors in the bezel and cab to form a simple twist. I worked throughout the day, bead by bead and finished everything up except adding the findings and getting the final pics!! This will be up as a new listing for the upcoming week so keep an eye out!!

Final working picture Wednesday night!
Started off Wednesday

Where I began on Thursday!
https://youtu.be/ZVr7-nq5xUY(link to learn special turn)

Now, time to talk about my new and current WIP that I started on Thursday. This one, is actually a bead-along that I’m doing right now in my K~Max Klub. If you’re not already a member but have purchased from me this past year, let me know…there are other member benefits…including FREE birthday month earrings!! Any how, back to the WIP at hand…this is peyote stitch, like most projects, but this one is ODD count!! It requires a special turn on the end of every other row. I will post a link with the pictures, if you want/need to learn this turn/technique 😃. I got all the way to 50 rows when I left off yesterday afternoon, with 900 beads in…was able to do a little more before bed time so I am starting today off on row 60 and 1,080 beads!! I asked yesterday if anyone could guess what it will say and someone finally guessed it!!!…it will say SUMMER 😃…REMEMBER, that you can check out my Facebook Fan PageGoogle+ Page, or my Instagram Page throughout the day to watch updates and working photos!

Next, I am going to do something a little different. I have recently been getting posts from customers with their finished works from patterns or kits that they have bought from me…well, I’d like to take a moment with you all and show you their hard work and hopefully inspire you all to be creative as well!! One of my customers, Dawn Morris, recently posted in a group that I am in, her finished work of a pattern she had gotten from me…the 8×8 Hummingbird Wall Art. She did such an amazing job and the colors she used are beautiful!! If you are interested in the pattern I will post a link under her picture to it😉. Also, another one of my customers, Nan Smith, recently posted her finished work of a peyote bracelet in a box kit she had purchased a while back ago(unfortunately this kit/pattern is no longer available)and she did such a wonderful job making one of my patterns/kits come to life!! Here are their results!!…

If you are interested in this pattern, give Dawn’s lovely picture a click and it will take you to my shop😉.
Here is Nan Smith’s final picture of a howling wolf at a moon peyote bracelet!

Are you guys ready for some news and updates from my K~Max Klub?!?! I’ve been getting more updates on all of the previous bead-alongs we have done. I am impressed and inspired by all of their work and choices of colors for these bead alongs!! Today I have updates on a silhouette bracelet pattern and then some updates on the baby blocks bracelet pattern😃. I am hoping that as everyone has time to finish they will share their pictures and then I will share with all of you to help inspire those who might need some inspiration!! Now, this week in this Klub we are working on a new bead-along…yup the one that is my current WIP…these updates and pictures on this one will begin in the following week😉. But for now, let me show you the ones that I do have updated!!

These finished bead-alongs are from member Vi Long!! Beautiful colors and such a great job!!
“Baby Blocks” beaded by Jessica Lane
Beautiful and great job!!

Time for another little change up😁. Some of you may wonder if I bead all the time-even on the weekends…well, most of the time, but I actually have another passion that I work on sometimes during the evening hours and on the weekends!! I love to crochet blankets!! I love to make them and give to family as gifts😉. It just so happens I was able to recently finish one…which I wanted to share with all of you so you could see I do more than just bead😁. I also have started to work on another blanket…when I finish it up…I plan on showing you that one too!!

What do you all think?!?!

That is about it for this week!! I didn’t put anything up for available kits because May’s kits are no longer available as of yesterday…but!!! Have no fear… June is going to be that time where if you missed a past kit(bracelet or art or both) that you will have one last opportunity to order them😃. June will be the re-visit of the past few month’s Kits. I should have that info up and ready for you all next week!! For now, that’s all!! Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!
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