Wonderful Wednesday

Many of you know that I participate in a wonderful blogging challenge by ArtBeads.  Here is the explanation we received as a theme for this challenge:
‘What’s Old is New Again!’ is our new blogging challenge. For this theme we would like you to seek inspiration from the past by incorporating old, vintage or antique items into your designs and combine them with modern elements such as Swarovski crystals, Glass, Resin, etc. The only requirement for your creations is for each piece to have at least one ‘old’ element. It can be a family heirloom, vintage cameo, an interesting bead, pendant or item you found in an antique or thrift store, an old key, photo or any unique element of the past. You can even re-use an old jewelry piece and ‘borrow’ items from it.
 I was able to choose items from several categories. 
I choose from steampunk and pearls.  
And here is what I picked.
These dragonflies were purchased about 20 years ago and have sat in my drawer for almost the entire time.  I fell in love with them the moment I saw them and just had to have them.  But for what ever reason, I have never been able to make anything out of them.  I added them into my mix as the ‘OLD’ part of my design.
And then I added a few more things.
And then…. I beaded….. beaded and did just a little more beading!  And here is what I came up with.

 So, what do you think?  I think I am ‘IN LOVE’!  I have named it – A Dragonfly Hidden in Blue and Green Pearls Necklace Set.  Most of you know my love of dragonflies and I think this one maybe my new favorite!
If you are interested in a great deal on beads, please visit and support ArtBeads.  They almost always have some special or contest going on beside their great deals!  Right now they are also offering FREE shipping in the U.S. on orders $10 and over*.
Please let me, and ArtBeads know what you think of my design.  
Enjoy your day and look around, you maybe able to see a dragonfly!  ~KM


And a HOP too!! 

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17 Responses

  1. CinLynn Boutique

    All I can say is WOW!!!! That IS gorgeous!!! I need to keep track of your blog a bit more I see! I absolutely LOVE that necklace!!

  2. Krafty Max Originals

    @CinLynn Boutique

    Thank you so very much!! *wink* *wink* it is for sale!! There is even a coupon for $5.00 off! *wink *wink*

    Thank you very much! ~KM

  3. Tammy

    Wow! That is awesome!

  4. Krafty Max Originals

    Thank you very much Ms. Tammy!! ~KM

  5. Rachel

    Gorgeous! I am just getting into making jewelry, and this just floors me. I have only done simple stringing so far.

  6. LisaWeidknecht

    Beautiful! Following you back!

  7. Sonja

    Found you on the Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop! I’m now following you. Would love it if you’d follow back!

  8. racingandsavingmama.com

    Love your design!! I really like dragonflies. Very nice.

  9. CarliAlice @ GG2Life

    I know that others have said this is gorgeous but it is honestly the first word that popped in my head! Thanks for coming by my blog…I’m following back.

  10. ~Rachée

    Stopping by from The Hop. Thanks for following me!
    Love the pieces you picked!

  11. Amethyst Jewell

    nice, keep up your amazing work


  12. Random Deals

    I really love, love, love dragonflies. Your blog is beautiful! So is the jewelery.

    Thank you for following Random Deals and for joining Whimsical Wednesday. I am now following you back. Thanks again 🙂

  13. Michelle

    WOW! That is fantastic!!

  14. Jen

    This is beautiful! Thanks for linking up over at Handmade Love Thursdays!
    I am following you now.

  15. Christine's Beadworks

    Wonderful design with gorgeous materials. I love every thing about it.

  16. Rosy Zawchenuk

    Beautiful as always KM!!! You are such a wonderful artist! 🙂

  17. Anonymous

    Awesome………..what more can one say?!!!