Working Wednesday

I know many of us have one or more of each of these:
-a Blog
-A FaceBook Fan Page
-My Space Page
-a Website
-Stumble Upon
-Amazon Lists
-ArtFire Studio
-Etsy Studio
-Zazzle Studio
– many more

Do you find it hard to find time to actually DO your art/creation?  I did.  For a while about a year ago I was spending 6-8 hours a day on the computer work on my networking, my SEO rating and even my emailed Newsletter.  
I always tell people who I am trying to get started with an on-line presence, only dedicate what time you can/have.   Learn from my mistake!  Once you put in that many hours – on a regualr basis – it is really hard to cut back.  You feel like you are ‘leaving’ that perfect sale behind… aren’t. 

Now, I am not saying to STOP with the online work, just make sure that if you commit 1 hour or 3 hours a day that you have time to still CREATE your artwork and have a LIFE!  When gigglebot‘s created these pins they were to CATCH someone’s eye and sell them…they did that.  They also came up with a REALITY CHECK for us all.

Try to also remember to stop, smell the flowers and watch the sunset – at least once a week!! ~KM
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